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Forum: Teachers


Mrs. Peak

Created on: 05/31/09 09:44 AM Views: 2585 Replies: 3
Mrs. Peak
Posted Sunday, May 31, 2009 04:44 AM

I have been having so much fun reading profiles! I have read several comments about Mrs. Peak! I think I channel her every time I am teaching my professional writing class! I always remember her telling us about correcting the IRS letters and mailing them back. As she declared us all savages she would tell us "Remember - 'drape' is a verb - 'draperies' hang at windows!" I ran into her years back at a symphony performance and thanked her. I told her I had completed my Masters degree in English and she rolled her eyes and said, "Lord, didn't I teach you better than that!" She was something else!


RE: Mrs. Peak
Posted Sunday, May 31, 2009 04:52 AM

Bernadette, another "Peak-ism"...."that was vile and unattractive"....did she ever use that in YOUR class? :)

Petra Schaefer Cantini

RE: Mrs. Peak
Posted Sunday, May 31, 2009 10:57 AM

In 1984, I received a 10 year survey from UT which asked me which teachers had most influenced my career path and success in life. I answered, "Ms. Virginia Peake, MacArthur High School."

Even though she changed my name from "Alicea" to "Angelica" to "Diabolica," I would die before I used "quote" or "drapes" as a noun.

Alicea Fletcher

RE: Mrs. Peak
Posted Thursday, June 4, 2009 12:46 PM

Every day I am reminded of Mrs. Virginia Peake. Each morning at my school the Assistant Principal says on the PA system, " continue on"  or  " repeat again..." I think "tautology" and picture Mrs. Peak putting the back of her hand to her forehead and pretending to faint.

I can't not  bring myself to use "drapes" nor "quotes" as nouns either. Nor can I begin a sentence with "Due to..." How could one woman have indoctrinated so many people in only one school year?

What a wonderful teacher she was.

Pam Harrison King

Edited 06/04/09 05:22 PM